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 Raiola:Kam gati ''Balotellin'' e ri per Interin...! (15.12.2011)

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Raiola:Kam gati ''Balotellin'' e ri per Interin...! (15.12.2011) Empty
MesazhTitulli: Raiola:Kam gati ''Balotellin'' e ri per Interin...! (15.12.2011)   Raiola:Kam gati ''Balotellin'' e ri per Interin...! (15.12.2011) EmptyThu 15 Dec - 2:09

Raiola:Kam gati ''Balotellin'' e ri per Interin...! (15.12.2011) 378933_307724965926592_171895046176252_1042388_908484400_n

Agjenti i lojtareve te ndryshem,Raiola,ka thene per mediat italiane,se ka gati sozine e Balotellit,per zikalterit.Behet fjale per Adama Guidiala,te vitit 1995,francez.Lojtar qe ka filluar karrieren e tij tek Sochaux ne france...
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Raiola:Kam gati ''Balotellin'' e ri per Interin...! (15.12.2011)
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