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 Programi per ndeshjen ndaj Palermos

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Il Bauscia
Il Bauscia

Programi per ndeshjen ndaj Palermos Empty
MesazhTitulli: Programi per ndeshjen ndaj Palermos   Programi per ndeshjen ndaj Palermos EmptySun 4 Sep - 20:56

Programi per ndeshjen ndaj Palermos Inter81600x1200

Pas dy diteve pushim, neser Interi do vazhdoje stervitjen ne qendren sportive “Angelo Moratti” . Stervitja e pare do te jete pasditen e se martes duke llogaritur qe Interi do luaje javen e dyte te kampionatit 2011-2012 kunder Palermos te dielen ne darke me 11 shtator.
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Programi per ndeshjen ndaj Palermos
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